Alright it's plain to see that I will use any occasion to shop. Easter is no exception. I love the big grocery shopping trip (a few days in advance, usually really early in the morning to avoid the ugly rush), the Easter Basket Stuffing Hunt. Without losing sight of the true Reason for the Season of course, I head for the shops I know will have what a girl needs to make for the most special Easter Moments. Even before I had a child of my own filling Easter Baskets for loved ones was my favorite. The best shops I have sourced out so far for your build - a basket needs are:
1.) Chapters/ Indigo
2.) Pier One Imports
3.) Old Navy

Chapters/ Indigo has a great selection of adorable plush animals, felt dye cut baskets, stickers, mini books and candies galore; gourmet marshmallows, sour candies, bunny jube jubes, you name it. Oh and Godiva Chocolates has a kick butt Easter display at Chapters as well. (Let's face it CHOCOLATE is one reason for the season right? So it may as well be good quality chocolate)
Pier 1 Imports has TONS of little goodies for children of all ages (is also a great one stop shop for birthday party favors!). I found mini markers, mini packs of plasticine, wined up chickies and bunnies, silly putty stuff, rubber balls, stickers, candies, small plastic toys that are cute but broken in a matter of minutes after opening...
I will have some more shopping tips soon, in the mean time Happy Hunting, please let us know what you find:)
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